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Ar Rafi | Allah Names

Ar Rafi | Allah Names
Ar Rafi | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Elevating One”

Explanation: The Exalter, the Elevator, the One who lowers and raises whoever He wills through His destruction and endowment.

Occurrence: These names are recorded in the Prophet’s Sunnah, not the Holy Qur’an.

Evidence: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Allah is gentle and loves those who are gentle.” He offers what He does not give for harshness for kindness. (Ahmad reported)

Benefit: He who speaks this Name 101 times a day and night will be elevated in terms of honor, wealth, and merit by Allah.

Raza E Elahi aims to connect people with Islam. We invite you to join us on this journey. Jazak’Allah Khair

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