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Al Haseeb | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Reckoning One” Explanation: Allah is adequate for those who trust on Him; He is aware of His slaves and will account for their conduct, rewarding or punishing them properly in His infinite wisdom and absolute awareness. He is…

Al Muqeet | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Sustaining One” Explanation: The person in charge of overseeing all activities. The One who guards and protects. He is the protector of everything, both visible and invisible, exterior and internal. Occurrence:  Once. Evidence: “Allah has power over everything.”(Surat An-Nisaa’, 4:85)…

Al Hafeez | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Guarding One” Explanation: The Most GreThe Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and anyone He wants to protect. Occurrence:  3 times. Evidence: “Allah is the Best Guardian.”(Surat Yusuf 12:64): “My Lord is guardian over all things.”(Surat Hud, 11:57)…

Al Kabeer | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Greatest, The Most Grand” Explanation: The Most Great, The Great, the One who surpasses all others in status. Occurrence: 6 times. Evidence: “The Knower of the unseen and the visible, the Most Great, the High-Exalted.”(Surat Ar-Ra’d 13:9). Benefit: Everyone respects the individual…

Al Aliyy | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Most High, The Exalted” Explanation: The One who is consistently higher than everyone else. Nothing can surpass the Most High. The person with the greatest rank and status. Occurrence: 8 times. Evidence: “…He is the Most High, the Magnificent.”(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:255).…

Ash Shakur | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Rewarder of Thankfulness” Explanation: “The Appreciative” is translated by Ash Shakur. Imam Al Ghazali interprets Ash Shakur in his work “Al-Maqsad al-Asna fi Sharach Asma’ al-Allahu al-Husna” (also known as “The greatest approach to explain the beauty of Allah’s…

Al Ghafoor | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Great Forgiver” Explanation: The meaning of Allah was described as “The Most Forgiving“. He forgives a specific sin, no matter how big it is. Al Ghaffar communicates the idea that Allah repeatedly forgives a person for their sin. Occurrence: 91…

 Al Azeem | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Magnificent, The Supreme” Explanation: Azeem (also known as “Great” or “Magnificent” or “Protector”) is one of God’s names in Islam. Abdul Azeem, often known as the “Servant of the Magnificent,” is a shortened version of Abdulazim. Occurrence: 9 times Evidence: “He…

Al Haleem | Allah Names

Name meaning: “the Most Forbearing” Explanation: Haleem is derived from the root “hilm,” which has traditional Arabic connotations such as being forbearant, meek, indulgent, kind, forgiving, soft, conscious, peaceful, not hurried, calm, serene, tempered, or moderate. Occurrence: 11 times Evidence: “Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.”(Surat…

Al Khabeer | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The All Aware One” Explanation: If you have anything on your mind, you can be very silent. Vitalism and enthusiasm, motivating others, prone to poor health, defying common reason, impatience, and “nerves.” Occurrence: 45 times. Evidence: “He said, ‘The All-Knowing and All-Aware…

Al Lateef | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Knower of Subtleties” Explanation: The root laam-taa-faa comes from Lateef and refers to four main meanings. The basic meaning is to be caring, compassionate, gentle, and loving. Occurrence: 7 times. Evidence: “…And He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.”(Surat Al-An’aam, 6:103) Benefit: Recite this name 133 times to have your settlements completed according to your wishes and will. Raza E Elahi aims to connect…

Al Adl | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Embodiment of Justice” Explanation: The Judge is the Ruler, and His judgment is His word. Benefit:  On Friday night, if you write a beautiful name on a piece of bread, people will obey you. Raza E Elahi aims to connect people…