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Al Wahhab | Allah Names

Al Wahhab Meaning: “The Bestowner” Explanation: The one who generously gives without expecting anything in return. He represents all that is beneficial, whether Halal or Haram. Occurrence: 3 times. Evidence: “Or do they possess the treasures of the mercy of your Lord, the…

Al Qahhar | Allah Names

Al Qahhar Meaning: “The Ever-Dominating” Explanation: Everyone, including dictators, is humble in the presence of Allah. Occurrence: 6 Times. Evidence: “And He is the One, the All-Dominant”. (Surat Al-Ahzaab, 13:16) ; “He is the Irresistible, [reigns Supreme] Above His servants”. (Surat Al-An’aam, 6:61) Benefit: The soul…

Al Ghaffaar | Allah Names

Al Ghaffaar Meaning: “The All and Oft-forgiving”. Explanation:  He is the one who forgives and accepts repentance from those who come to him. Occurrence: 5 Times. Evidence: “Is He not indeed the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving?” (Surat Az-Zumar, 39:5); Benefit: He who repeats this…

Al Musawwir | Allah Names

Al Musawwir Meaning: “The Shaper of Beauty“ Explanation: Allah makes his things wonderfully and in a variety of shapes. Evidence: “He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner.” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:24) Benefit: If a woman who desires to give a birth, but…

Al Baari | Allah Names

Al Baari Meaning:  “The Originator”. Explanation: Allah causes things to happen and gives directives to carry them out perfectly. Evidence: “He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner.” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:24). Benefit: This name explains that Allah has made everything in proportions.…

Al Khaaliq | Allah Names

Al Khaaliq Meaning: “The Creator, The Maker”. Explanation: He expands his creation, which pleases him and is wonderful. Occurrence: 8 Times. Evidence: “He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:24) Benefit: If a person recites this name 100 times in the…

Al Mutakabbir | Allah Names

Al Mutakabbir Meaning: “The Supreme, The Majestic”. Explanation:  He is superior, and no one should be addressed with this term. Occurrence: Once. Evidence: “The Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely Great.” (Surat Al-Hashr, 59:23) Benefit: He who repeats this Name frequently will be granted status…

Al Jabbar | Allah Names

Al Jabbar Meaning: “The Compeller, the Restorer”. Explanation: He is the Most High, Irresistible, and Sublime. Whatever He declares will be carried out without fail. He heals the brokenhearted, bandages their wounds, and consoles the vulnerable and those who seek…

Al Aziz | Allah Names

Al Aziz Meaning: “The All-Mighty”. Explanation: He is the All-Strong, All-Dominant who rules over His creations. He has subdued all of His creatures, all of whom have humbled themselves before Him and completely accepted His sovereignty. Evidence: “And know that Allah is All-Mighty,…

 Al Muhaymin | Allah Names

Al Muhaymin Meaning: “The Guardian, The Witness”. Explanation: He is the one who oversees his creation and is fully aware of their behaviours. Occurrence: 12 Times. Evidence:  “Allah is your Protector—an excellent Protector and an excellent Helper!” (Surat Al-Anfaal, 8:40); “He is the…

Al Mu’min | Allah Names

Al Mu’min Meaning: “The one who gives Imaan and Security” Explanation: The one who provides tranquilly and protection for his slaves. Occurrence: Once. Evidence: “The Holy, the Source of peace, the Granter of security, the Ever Watchful, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Supremely…

As Salam | Allah Names

As Salam Meaning: “The Source of Peace” Explanation: This name means “wellbeing” and “protection”; As-Salam is good. Occurrence: Once. Evidence: “He is Allah; there is none worthy of worship except for Him; the Sovereign, the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Granter of…