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Al Fattah | Allah Names

Al Fattah Meaning: “The Opener, The Judge” Explanation: The Opener, Reliever, Judge, and One who unlocks closed worldly and religious affairs…

Ar Razzaq | Allah Names

Ar Razzaq meaning: “The Provider” Explanation: He takes it upon Himself to supply nourishment to all of His creatures, without exception. He…

Al Wahhab | Allah Names

Al Wahhab Meaning: “The Bestowner” Explanation: The one who generously gives without expecting anything in return. He represents all that is…

Al Qahhar | Allah Names

Al Qahhar Meaning: “The Ever-Dominating” Explanation: Everyone, including dictators, is humble in the presence of Allah. Occurrence: 6 Times. Evidence: “And He is…

Al Musawwir | Allah Names

Al Musawwir Meaning: “The Shaper of Beauty“ Explanation: Allah makes his things wonderfully and in a variety of shapes. Evidence: “He…

Al Baari | Allah Names

Al Baari Meaning:  “The Originator”. Explanation: Allah causes things to happen and gives directives to carry them out perfectly. Evidence: “He…

Al Khaaliq | Allah Names

Al Khaaliq Meaning: “The Creator, The Maker”. Explanation: He expands his creation, which pleases him and is wonderful. Occurrence: 8 Times. Evidence: “He…

Al Jabbar | Allah Names

Al Jabbar Meaning: “The Compeller, the Restorer”. Explanation: He is the Most High, Irresistible, and Sublime. Whatever He declares will…

Al Aziz | Allah Names

Al Aziz Meaning: “The All-Mighty”. Explanation: He is the All-Strong, All-Dominant who rules over His creations. He has subdued all…