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Al Haseeb | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Reckoning One” Explanation: Allah is adequate for those who trust on Him; He is aware of His slaves and will account for their conduct, rewarding or punishing them properly in His infinite wisdom and absolute awareness. He is…

Al Kabeer | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Greatest, The Most Grand” Explanation: The Most Great, The Great, the One who surpasses all others in status. Occurrence: 6 times. Evidence: “The Knower of the unseen and the visible, the Most Great, the High-Exalted.”(Surat Ar-Ra’d 13:9). Benefit: Everyone respects the individual…

Al Haleem | Allah Names

Name meaning: “the Most Forbearing” Explanation: Haleem is derived from the root “hilm,” which has traditional Arabic connotations such as being forbearant, meek, indulgent, kind, forgiving, soft, conscious, peaceful, not hurried, calm, serene, tempered, or moderate. Occurrence: 11 times Evidence: “Allah is Ever-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.”(Surat…

Al Khabeer | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The All Aware One” Explanation: If you have anything on your mind, you can be very silent. Vitalism and enthusiasm, motivating others, prone to poor health, defying common reason, impatience, and “nerves.” Occurrence: 45 times. Evidence: “He said, ‘The All-Knowing and All-Aware…

Al Lateef | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Knower of Subtleties” Explanation: The root laam-taa-faa comes from Lateef and refers to four main meanings. The basic meaning is to be caring, compassionate, gentle, and loving. Occurrence: 7 times. Evidence: “…And He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.”(Surat Al-An’aam, 6:103) Benefit: Recite this name 133 times to have your settlements completed according to your wishes and will. Raza E Elahi aims to connect…

Al Adl | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Embodiment of Justice” Explanation: The Judge is the Ruler, and His judgment is His word. Benefit:  On Friday night, if you write a beautiful name on a piece of bread, people will obey you. Raza E Elahi aims to connect people…

Al Hakam | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Impartial Judge” Explanation: Anyone who ensures justice for everyone in every situation. Hakam comes from the Haa origins, kaaf meem, which means the ability to judge, be smart, make a decision, or ban or regulate individual misbehavior. Hakam is…

Al Baseer | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The All-Seeing” Explanation: Meaning the one who sees everything. Yes, Basir is Allah. He saw everything. Nothing can be hidden from him. Occurrence: 42 Times. Evidence: “Surely, He is aware of and sees His servants.”(Surat Ash-Shooraa, 42:27) Benefit: Allah would grant him light in his eyes and enlighten his heart if he says these Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer. Raza E Elahi aims to connect people with Islam. We invite you to join us on this journey. Jazak’Allah Khair

As Sami | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The All-Hearer” Explanation: The Hearer is the One who hears everything by His Eternal Hearing, without the use of an ear, instrument, or organ. Occurrence: 45 times. Evidence: “He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.”(Surat Ash-Shooraa, 42:11.) Benefit: On Thursday after the chasht prayer,…

Al Muzil | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Dishonourer, The Humiliator” Explanation: That which causes weak and nasty situations. The one who makes shame or disgrace appear. The One whose wisdom generates humiliating and contemptuous situations. Benefit: He who speaks this Name 75 times will be safe from…

Al Mu’izz | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Honourer Bestower” Explanation: Allah bestows honor upon whom He chooses and can be humbled by none. Likewise, He can humble whom He wills, and no one can bestow honor upon Him. Benefit: Recited 140 times after isha salaah on Monday…

Ar Rafi | Allah Names

Name meaning: “The Elevating One” Explanation: The Exalter, the Elevator, the One who lowers and raises whoever He wills through His destruction and endowment. Occurrence: These names are recorded in the Prophet’s Sunnah, not the Holy Qur’an. Evidence: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon…